Prentiss County Sheriff's Office Prentiss County Sheriff's Office Prentiss County Sheriff's Office
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Booneville, Mississippi 38829

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Community Outreach

MLCOA High speed Internet Meeting.jpg

Thursday September the 12th,  Melinda Bertucci (AARP) and Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley held a Workshop/Town Hall Meeting concerning High Speed Internet coming to Prentiss County.  Commissioner Presley praised Ronny Rowland (PCEPA) for the progress already made to bring high speed internet to the citizens of Prentiss County.  Ms Bertucci explained what it will mean to Prentiss County once the project is complete.  I was thankful to work with these organizations and provide them with use of the Justice Centers Courtroom.


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On July 31 Deputy Sheriff Taylor Walker was recognized by the Baptist Memorial Ambulance Service and the Family of a Motor Vehicle Accident Victim.  Taylor is both a Full Time Prentiss County Deputy Sheriff and an EMT with the Baptist Memorial Ambulance.  He was recognized for being the first to respond to a MVA on HWY 4 West last week in which one of the drivers were entrapped for over an hour before rescue workers could extract her from the wreck and remaining by her side during the whole ordeal.


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Investigator Torie Jumper and Myself had the pleasure of attending a book signing at George E Allen library in Booneville.  Merle Temple, a local author, highlighted his series of books and spoke to the group recalling his days as a Lee County Deputy Sheriff and an Agent in the newly formed Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics.  He is one of the best writers that I've ever had the pleasure of reading his books.  He donated a set of books to the Prentiss County Jail hoping that the inmates might be touched by his faith in God.



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Recently the Prentiss County Sheriff's Office participated in College Career Day hosted at NEMCC.  The Sheriff's Department attends such events in an effort to promote interest in Law Enforcement, by giving the attendees an insight into the daily lives and activities of the typical Law Enforcement Officer.  We use the event to recruit employees and have opened the door to several young people who expressed interest in this rewarding career field.  We appreciate the Northeast for hosting the event each year.  Officers attending the event were Criminal Investigators Torie Jumper, Wesley Graves, Narcotics Officer Grady Smith and Sheriff Randy Tolar


Little Miss Tupelo, Lilly Shouse joined with the Prentiss County Sheriff's Office and Cash Express to collect toys and coats for needy children in our area.  This Toy Drive is made possible each year through generous donations of Toys and Coats by caring individuals such as Lilly and others.  The toys in the photo were all collected and donated by Lilly.  What a valuable example of community service!  In Lilly's word, " I just want the kids to be Happy!"




Last Week Deputy Gary Garrett along with Investigators Torie Jumper and Wesley Graves visited the Vineyard Preschool and spoke to the children and allowed them to look at a Patrol Car.  This is just one of the many Community Services that the Sheriff's Office Offers to strengthen trust in the community and educate citizens about Law Enforcement and Safety.



On Monday morning Sept 24th, Narcotics Investigator Grady Smith, Criminal Investigator Torie Jumper and Sheriff Tolar attended High School Senior Career Day held at NEMCC.  All the County High Schools along with Walnut and Faulkner High Schools attended the function.  Sheriff Tolar and Staff shared with the students about Law Enforcement.  It was really encouraging to see young Men and Women interested in Law Enforcement and listen intently to pointers about this career field.

On Saturday Sept 22 The Prentiss County Sheriff's Office, represented by Sheriff Randy Tolar attended the First annual Safety Town at the Booneville West Side Community Center.  The event featured numerous agencies and organizations that represent Health and Safety.  Sheriff Tolar shared information about personal safety, internet safety, scams, cons and frauds, Bullying and many other subjects.  Kids of all ages attended the event.  A special guest speaker talked about the serious subject of Human Trafficking, which has become a prevalent issue.







The week of Sept 17-20, the Engaged at Every Age Conference was held in Natchez, sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Human Services.  Pictured are Tunica County Sheriff K.C. Hamp  and Prentiss County Sheriff Randy Tolar.   Sheriff Hamp Represented Tunicas County TRIAD and the MS Sheriff's Association, while Sheriff Tolar Represented Prentiss County TRIAD, The Ms Sheriff's Association and the Mississippi Leadership Council on Aging (MLCOA) as it's Chairman.  The conference highlighted Senior Citizen Safety and Welfare with breakout sessions focusing on Cybersecurity, Frauds, Scams and Cons, Home Safety and Security and many other subjects aimed at improving the quality of life for our Senior Citizens.  It was a great conference and a wonderful opportunity to  network with like minded people.



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     Prentiss County Sheriff's Office | © 2024
     Prentiss County, Mississippi